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Issa Attends Town Hall on Sober Living Facilities in San Clemente … –

Commenting on the below story, Chairman (The Other Cancer Called Addiction, Ticker: TLIF) Noted, “Per the Article and most people I’ve talked to about the cause, It Is CLEAR, The movement is based on this political redirect, ” ….It is clear there is a POSSIBILITY of abuse in our neighborhoods.”  How much did the politicians spend on that research to get your vote considering 25% of America is Directly Affected by Drug Abuse???  I can’t wait to see the new zoning and regulation for people affected by the disease of Cancer.  I’m guessing everyone can admit they know someone with that disease and will Admit to knowing that person.

It is clear, that factions of the movement to change zoning, regulation and licensing of sober living homes is discrimination above and beyond decades of precedence to condone HELP in an non-discriminatory way.  It is clear, politicians and want to be politicians are creating a “Crisis” to gain votes from the 75% of Americans not directly affected by the disease.  It is clear, certain organizations in this movement are padding their paycheck, if not their lawyer’s paycheck by receiving Federal Funds to help the cause and gain more votes on a congressional and senate level.  It is clear, that this movement only has perceived benefits to people not affected by the disease.  It is clear, that if people don’t starting prevention methods, like every other cause for a disease, such as this month being Breast Cancer Awareness month, that everyone who votes for their convenience may have family, friends, loved ones and employees directly triggered into this disease after they lobby to potentially “institutionalize with PREJUDICE” the very people that they love as if it were the plague.

From experience, Politicians are a thimble on the thumb that falls off when they go for votes instead of results based on the work an industry does with passion and success over decades while they tried to figure out how to get votes.

It’s one thing to jail or institutionalize someone who is a danger to society while the disease runs rampant.  It is a whole new conundrum to institutionalize or regulate someone in remission.  I can only think of my grandmother and friends with cancer and telling them that it is great they are in remission but now we have to get you out of society and treat you like a an idiot because you asked for help with Cancer.

“You may be bankrupt from doctors, you were lost in time from pain and now that you are better, we need to condemn you… it will get me votes Grandma and Federal Funding… it will be great for me.  Thank you for having bone cancer, breast cancer, or lung cancer and understanding I’m more important than you.  I won’t fight for you, but I sure can make money off of you.”

It’s the same with people with the disease of addiction.  They, just like Cancer patients, all had the disease before it was triggered.  It isn’t the plague.  It isn’t contagious.  There is no reason to discriminate or re-socialize society.

As a landlord for decades, I had to explain my position to family when they feared my living with people who had the disease of addiction after treatment.  I responded, “Have you had NORMAL tenants beating down your door looking for cash, compromise, an extra weeks rent, court suits, evictions, lack of cash as a result of the above.  Have you looked over your shoulder for that tenant to hurt you when you’re in a suit and wing tips trying to walk through the snow and hope he is passed out?  I HAVE… THAT IS YOUR NEIGHBOR, TENANT, LOVED ONE, FRIEND OR EMPLOYEE.  THAT IS THE FEAR, Not the person who is in recovery, “remission” and asking for service work to help your community or neighbor who often gets denied because of discrimination.

If you are reading this comment and article, please share it with your friends, colleagues, co-workers, family and afflicted affiliates to get their view.  This Movement by politicians will lead to a stigma that will lead us all into a fear of our neighbor instead of people asking for help.


SAN CLEMENTE, CA — For those who missed the Sober Living Homes Forum Panel Discussion on September 1st, the City of San Clemente videotaped the meeting.

Erik Sund, the assistant city manager for the City of San Clemente welcomed more than 300 residents from San Clemente and all over South Orange County to a panel discussion led by Congressman Darrell Issa.

The conversation in a Q & A format looked at options cities and the state of California might have to require zoning and licensing of sober living homes.

“We have draft legislation,” Issa said, “as we want to draft the proper legislation that will protect our communities.”

A crisis is building not just in southern Orange County but across the country according to Issa.

“We have a drug and alcohol problem in this country,” he said. “We have a number of laws that were intended to protect the disabled. It is clear there is a possibility of abuse in our neighborhoods.”

Watch the video and let us know your thoughts on the subject of Sober Living Homes.

Youtube Video Screenshot of Forum Discussion

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