Editor for TOCCALife.com, Tyler Cornell read this article and said, “It’s working. Seeing 2000 communities come together is a great start. There is no $650 Billion per year war on drugs if we all do the right thing. These movements are a win win for everyone. PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE. IT IS A GREAT MOVEMENT.”
On Nov. 12, the seventh annual American Medicine Chest Challenge — a national public health initiative to raise awareness about the dangers of prescription drug abuse and encourage safe disposal — will be held in communities throughout the nation. This initiative challenges families to take the Five-Step American Medicine Chest Challenge.
“The American Medicine Chest Challenge can help save the lives of our children,” said Angelo M. Valente, CEO of AMCC. “By participating in AMCC’s Five-Step Challenge, families throughout the country are safeguarding their home from the potential misuse and abuse of medicine. The five steps include taking inventory of your medicine, securing your medicine chest, taking medicine only as prescribed, safely disposing of unused, unwanted, and expired medicine, and most importantly, talk to your children about the dangers of prescription drugs.”
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has labeled prescription drug abuse an epidemic, reporting that the death toll from overdoses of prescription painkillers has more than tripled in the past decade and more than 40 people die every day from overdoses involving narcotic pain relievers. According to the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, 70 percent of people who abuse prescription pain relievers obtained them from friends or relatives, and, there has been a 400 percent increase in substance abuse treatment admissions for people abusing prescription drugs.
“With over 2,000 community and law enforcement partners nationwide, an awakening to the dangers of prescription drug abuse and a call to action to safely dispose of unused, unwanted, and unneeded medicine is continuing,” explained Valente, who noted disposal locations across the country can be found on AmericanMedicineChest.Com
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