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How to end America’s drug crisis – washingtontimes

A stronger approach is needed to eliminate the 47,000 annual drug deaths.

How to end America’s drug crisis“Passion is key.  I think Mr. Charles’ numbers might be low but this is the energy we all need.

“The way out? Caring parents, teachers, clergy and law enforcement.”  That is what TOCCA and Prevention are about.  It is great to see other people say the words.  This isn’t hard for any of us.  It just takes a little effort from everyone of us.  Skip medical, less demand, less supply.  Less demand comes from traditional family and traditional sober living.  Don’t let your kids hide behind self medicating with deadly drugs.  Talk to them and find the problem at hand.  As the synthetic drug market grows, family is the only chance of life in my mind,” stated Tyler Cornell of (Ticker Symbol: TLIF).


As President Trump prepares to confront multiple crisis, including national security, foreign policy, and immigration, another crisis looms. It kills tens of thousands of young Americans annually, inflicting unparalleled suffering on American families. America has never — underscore, never — faced the kind of drug abuse and drug crime epidemic we confront today. The crisis is a hurricane — leadership now critical.

By Robert Charles

Numbers are breathtaking. Last year 47,055 Americans died of overdoes, double the number from 10 years ago. Of these, 10,000-plus were heroin deaths, up from 2,000. Benzodiazepine deaths jumped five-fold, killing 8,000. Opioid pain relievers tripled, killing 18,000. Marijuana use skyrocketed under President Obama, up 27 percent among kids, according to the National Institutes of Drug Abuse. Phoenix House reports that up to 50 percent become addicted. In 2014, 10 million people drove drug-impaired, and 20 percent of driving deaths were drug-related, not alcohol. Most common? Marijuana, up 47 percent in crashes between 2007 and 2014. Today, 80 percent of men arrested for crime in major cities are on drugs. Of those, 60 percent are using marijuana.

As night follows day, violent and property crime follows drug use, availability and addiction. One 2016 study concluded, after overlaying Mexican drug cartel presence, heroin use and homicides, “There is indeed a troubling statistical association between increasing homicide rates and competing [drug] cartels.” Any surprise that Chicago has 700 homicides this year? Nationwide, incontrovertible trends do not lie.

Our future as a people depends on leadership and resolve to reverse the nation’s rampant drug crisis. Causes are many, some painful to admit, but solutions exist. We must stop shameless promotion of drug abuse through “legalization,” mass releases of drug trafficking felons, disrespect for law enforcement. “Recreation” is running — not drugs. Absurdities have to stop. Leaders who poke perverse fun at widening drug abuse, implicitly promoting it, refusing to enforce federal laws against it, advancing the narrative that drug trafficking felons are harmless — are off track. That fantasy must stop.

Today’s facts on drug abuse, overdoses, trafficking, drugged driving, emergency room admissions, disrespect for law enforcement — are arresting. They are tantamount to pine boxes returning to inconsolable families from Southeast Asia. Nearly 100,000 parents lose their children to drugs annually. Does that make any sense? Losing a life that once defined the family — to causes preventable, treatable, entrapping and indefensible? This is a national tragedy. Make no mistake — we own it. We are a nation of breaking hearts with incalculable grief.

The way out? Caring parents, teachers, clergy and law enforcement. Examples like Nancy and Ronald Reagan, past Drug Enforcement Administration leaders. President Trump has a rare chance to end this unconscionable, socialist experiment in human indifference.

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