TOCCA Sports Events and Fitness.
Our transitional program’s core is the passion for life. Florida offers the greatest environment for year round activities that promote that passion. Nothing drives an individuals passion more than competition and the desire to win personally or as a team. The sports we have chosen to (re) introduce members are typically sports that can be played as a team AND played or practiced individually. This offers members the opportunity to fill free time or remove voids from their emotions simply by picking up a basketball or a surfboard instead of picking up a drug.
Most of the sports introduced are extremely low cost or no cost types of activities that a member can afford to continue after fulfilling commitment. This offers the member the ability to keep within a structured daily life long after they integrate into society. It also offers a great way to meet people and future friends that practice a clean way of life within and outside of the program.
Participation in any individual sport is at the discretion and risk of each member but we highly recommend participation and require the member to participate as a spectator at the minimum during group events. We prefer the group move together like a team even if a member is on the bench. Further, Learning a new sport can spur some of the most memorable and fun experiences in one’s life. Along with the follies that are bound to happen, it promotes humility and an acceptance of oneself.
Our Vision Includes You!